Although there are WAY more than eight memorable WWE “Rowdy” Roddy Piper moments, we’re going to run down the eight that stand out the most to us.
Any “Piper’s Pit”
“Piper’s Pit” will go down as one of the most innovative, entertaining, and explosive segments ever produced on WWE television. Piper constantly tried to get under his guests’ skin, which would usually lead to some sort of physicality, whether it involved Piper or not.
André the Giant tore off Hulk Hogan’s crucifix on “Piper’s Pit.” Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka took a coconut to the skull. Even Ryback got the rub from Piper after taking out Rusev during the last ever edition of the segment on WWE television at the end of 2014.
One of “Hot Rod’s” most famous quotes from the segment was, “Just when they think they got the answers, I change the questions.” One thing’s for sure, you never knew what was going to happen when the kilt was out and “The Icon” had a live microphone.