Current ROH & PWG World Heavyweight Champion Adam Cole joined Nick & Bryan on The NB Show (first 15 minutes). The NB Show airs every Monday from 4-5:15pm EST on YouTube & Follow the show on Twitter @TheNBShow and like them on Facebook!
Below are the topics of the interview:
- Going from ROH TV Champion to ROH World Champion.
- His alliance with Matt Hardy.
- His involvement in the upcoming event in Pittsburgh, PA.
- His thoughts on Daniel Bryan and the ending of this past weeks Raw.
- What the WWE Tryout process is like to go through.
- Adam Cole’s Royal Rumble prediction.
- How the WWE Network is a dream come true for upcoming wrestlers.
- Favorite opponent in Ring of Honor Wrestling.
Other topics during the show:
- Our predictions for the Royal Rumble
- How to win a $50 WWE Shop Gift Card
- #TheNBShowOverUnder
- How will Bryan do in a “Masterlock Challenge” put on by Nick?

Reminder: Ring Of Honor is coming to Pittsburgh, PA this Saturday January 25th at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Check out for details and tickets!