Fall and pray. This past weekend, Scarlett competed in a WWE ring for the first time on the main roster. She and Karrion Kross battled the team of Emma and Madcap Moss in a tag team match at a live event in Wheeling, West Virginia.

You can see footage of the match below:


Kross and Scarlett were the winners of the match.

Scarlett has only been featured as Kross’ valet since their debut with the company in 2020. She has been used primarily to bring Kross to the ring and remained mostly on the outside, occasionally interfering in matches.

Scarlett is not new to the ring; she has competed in several other promotions, including WWE before. It is unknown if this will be a regular occurrence on the main roster, or if this was just for this live event.


Editor’s Opinion:

This is very cool to see! I always knew that she had talent in the ring, but with her current gimmick, she had never been allowed to express it. Hopefully, we will get to see more of it in the future, because, from what I understand, she can wrestle quite well!

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