Whenever a non-WWE superstar gets people within the internet wrestling community talking the way that they are about Hardy, people always begin to debate if and when that character will make their way to the dastardly “MeekMahan show.”
On my Facebook Live show “Universal Chatter,” this subject is one that I am asked about quite often. Therefore, I will use the “Broken” brilliance that has been bestowed upon me by the 7 deities, and attempt to answer the following question:
Would “Broken” Matt Hardy be successful in today’s WWE?

The Expedition of Gold Begins For The Broken Hardys | IMPACT Feb. 9th, 2017
The first thing that must be addressed is that Hardy could not come to WWE alone. Part of what makes this character so “wonderful” is that he has an equally ridiculous cast of characters that goes along with him. If Brother Nero (Jeff Hardy), Queen Rebecca (Reby Sky), King Maxel, Señor Benjamin and Vanguard 1 and The Scribe were not with him, I don’t know if “Broken” Matt could be as effective as he is now.
Let’s begin by looking at the positives. The matches that he could have with current WWE characters would be absolutely amazing. Think of the feuds that the Hardys could have with groups such as The Wyatt Family or The New Day. In addition, If Matt or Jeff wanted to go solo, they would have incredible matches with AJ Styles, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and others.
The promos between all of these groups would be absolutely hilarious, and would be some of the most captivating television that WWE produced.

Broken Matt Heals Jeff Hardy
However, part of what makes “Broken” Matt Hardy so great is that TNA has basically given him free reign to do whatever he wants in the company. I had the opportunity to meet him at WrestleMania 32 in Dallas, before the accident that caused his “broken con-dee-tion.” He told me that he has complete creative control over his character, which has allowed him to be able to create this absolute masterpiece.
I highly doubt that he would get that same control in WWE. We all know that the writers micromanage everything that goes on with their characters, and that each promo is basically written out for each superstar before they go out there. If that were to happen with Hardy, it would not work at all. “Broken” brilliance must not be put into a box; it must be allowed to grow and develop on its own.
The other major issue with this character is that I highly doubt that WWE would produce the absolutely incredible science fiction packages that make the Hardys great. The company has a “TV-PG” rating, which puts major restrictions on how far out there the characters could go.
Events such as “The Final Deletion,” “Delete or Decay,” and “Tag Team Apocolypto” would be seriously watered down in WWE. Shooting fireworks at one another, jumping off of a crucifix, and trying to kidnap a baby are all events that might not be acceptable on a “TV-PG” show.
Those types of events work on a “TV-14” crowd, because that group is mature enough to understand just how ridiculous they really are. Some of these concepts might go over the heads of the younger kids that watch WWE, and if those same kids tried some of these stunts at home, their could be some tragedies and lawsuits that would arise.
With all of this information, the question must again be asked: would “Broken” Matt Hardy work in WWE?
My answer? I don’t know.
As I mentioned before, I have a feeling that this character would get watered down and reduced to a comedic act in WWE. His full potential would not be realized, and the genius that is “Broken” Matt would never be explored to its fullest.
In addition, part of the mystique of Hardy is that people always wonder and debate if he would ever go back to WWE. If he does make the jump, that unknown factor is taken away. Furthermore, if it were to happen, but is altered in any way, the fans would not be happy.
I would love to see all of House Hardy back in a WWE ring, and do what they could to “Delete” that nefarious “MeekMahan!” That would be simply “Wonderful” and “Delightful!” However, if it is not done to absolute perfection, then himself and all of the Hardy compound might become “Obsolete,” which would NOT be best for business.
Would you like to see “Broken” Matt Hardy in a WWE ring again? Leave us a comment below, or post a comment on our Facebook page!