
  • KB’s Review: Thirty Two Words Of WWE Trouble

    Things are not going well for WWE at the moment. I don’t think that’s any real secret as the TV ratings and audience continue to fall apart almost every week....

    BlogsMay 23, 2019
  • KB’s Review: Don’t Screw It Up

    BlogsMay 15, 2019
  • KB’s Review: May-Be It’s Time To Change

    About two weeks ago, I sat in a movie theater and watched Avengers: Endgame. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen in a theater and the...

    BlogsMay 9, 2019
  • KB’s Review: Hawkins And Ryder Didn’t Read The Fine Print On The Lockbox Bro

    Wrestling isn’t like any other form of entertainment. Instead of having an off season to write up stories and give the fans a breather, everything happens week to week, meaning...

    BlogsMay 2, 2019
  • KB’s Review: Mr. And Mrs. WrestleMania Weekend

    We’re over two weeks removed from WrestleMania 35 and that means things can calm down a little bit. The main event of the weekend featured a bunch of surprises (including...

    BlogsApril 25, 2019
  • KB’s Review: The Villain Problem

    I think it’s safe to say that this year’s WrestleMania had some big moments. In something that actually surprised me, we got three happy endings in the major matches, with...

    BlogsApril 18, 2019
  • KB’s Review: A Long Road To Paradise

    BlogsApril 11, 2019
  • KB’s Review: The Moonshot

    I wish I could remember who said this because the more you think about it, the more accurate it is (heavily paraphrased): The greatest achievement in human history is landing...

    BlogsApril 4, 2019
  • KB’s Review: The Other Options

    Is there such a thing as first world wrestling problems? That might be what we’re going through at this time of the year, with WrestleMania season upon us. It means...

    BlogsMarch 28, 2019
  • KB’s Review: A Gold Medal Career

    I’m a big fan of the Steve Austin Show, as it’s cool to hear from the biggest star of all time. That gives him a certain credibility that few others...

    BlogsMarch 20, 2019