
  • KB’s Review: Three Strikes In One

    Wrestling is an interesting world as there is no off season, no major break for the creative staff and even less of a break for the wrestlers. With so much...

    BlogsOctober 10, 2019
  • KB’s Review: In Other News – Big Week Edition

    BlogsOctober 2, 2019
  • KB’s Review: The Biggest Week In The History Of Our Sport

    Over the last several months, we have seen the build towards next week. After all of the build, all of the setup and all of the hype, we are finally...

    BlogsSeptember 25, 2019
  • New Column: There’s Always Someone New

    As wrestling fans, we are all self appointed experts. Ask any wrestling fan and they can tell you everything that WWE (or any company for that matter) is doing wrong...

    BlogsSeptember 18, 2019
  • KB’s Review: That NXT Moment

    Things have been changing a lot in wrestling over the last few months and that is likely to be the case for the next few weeks and months. Whether it’s...

    BlogsSeptember 12, 2019
  • KB’s Review: Dragnet: AEW

    It was Wednesday, September 4, it was hot in Tallahassee. I was working the day watch out of wrestling division. The boss is Vince McMahon and/or Tony Khan depending on...

    BlogsSeptember 5, 2019
  • KB’s Review: Oh Yeah, AEW Is Still A Thing

    BlogsAugust 29, 2019
  • KB’s Review: Either The Sky Is Falling Or The Sky Is The Limit

    We live in a wrestling world where things are changing every few days. Whether it’s someone jumping to a new promotion, an injury taking someone out, another big show taking...

    BlogsAugust 21, 2019
  • KB’s Review: Who Shows A Shoe?

    I know everyone has been focused on Summerslam (and the fallout by the time this is published) but there is a lot of other stuff going on in the world...

    BlogsAugust 14, 2019
  • KB’s Review: They Could Have Done It

    There’s something very cool about a whodunit story. It opens up so many doors and while the reveal may be a surprise, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make sense....

    BlogsAugust 8, 2019