One of the more controversial and hottest topics in the professional wrestling industry during the summer of 2014 saw WWE release Alberto Del Rio. WWE released the former world champion because he slapped WWE Social Media Manager Cody Barbierri, after an alleged racist remark made by Barbierri behind Del Rio’s back.
Since Del Rio’s release in August, the situation has been everlasting. The latest news on the front saw rumors circulate that Del Rio and WWE may be reaching some sort of settlement. The rumored settlement would allow Del Rio to work not only internationally, but also in the Untied States.
Even more news has broken in regards to Del Rio’s WWE departure, as Cody Barbierri is no longer with WWE, according to PWInsider. The website noticed that WWE had posted a new job opening for a social media managerial position, which aligned with Barbierri’s previous work. The website looked into it all, and through its sources within WWE, learned that Barbierri is no longer with WWE.
Barbierri reportedly departed from WWE earlier in October. The circumstances around Barbierri’s departure are not known at this time. Barbierri’s LinkedIn page no longer lists him as working for WWE, simply an “Experienced Manager of Social Media” instead.
Editor’s Note
I wonder if Barbierri will make any public comments now that he is no longer with WWE. I’m also curious as to how he departed, specifically if it was on his own terms, or if he was released.