They have an idea. There are all kinds of talented wrestlers on the WWE roster and it can be a big deal when one of them is presented as a new top star. That is something you do not see very often but you can tell when WWE has their eyes on someone. It seems that is the situation again, as WWE reportedly has major plans for an up and coming star for a special era.

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According to WrestleVotes, WWE has “considerably” altered its creative plans for Bron Breakker. It is said that Breakker has caught the attention of several higher ups in WWE since his debut on the main roster, with the officials being impressed. Breakker is believed to be a “major” focus in WWE as the company is coming into the Netflix Era. Monday Night Raw is moving to Netflix in January.

He’s done well. Check out Breakker’s time on the main roster:

Opinion: This isn’t exactly shocking as Breakker has felt like a force of nature on Monday Night Raw so far. I’m not sure how far he is going to go in WWE, but it seems that the company is interested in giving him a heck of a boost. Breakker feels like a new version of Goldberg, and that is the kind of thing that you do not see come along very often. WWE seems to know what they have here and that should be good.

What do you think of the idea? How should Breakker be used in WWE? Let us know in the comments below.

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