Thank you. WWE has a history of thanking various groups and people who have done something special in their lives. In a recent case, a London policeman helped stop an attack on London Bridge. The policeman happened to be a huge WWE fan and as luck would have it, Triple H was recently in England. I think you can put this together.

During his trip, Triple H went to visit officer Charlie Guenigault in London. This included a chat with Triple H as well as a special message from Sami Zayn, Guenigault’s favorite wrestler. In addition to this, Triple H also had a couple of gifts for the office, which you can see in the video below.

Triple H visits London police officer wounded in London Bridge attack

Opinion: There’s something so cool about a hero like this getting this kind of attention. I know it’s also a publicity move for WWE but it also looks good to give someone like this a special moment. It doesn’t hurt anyone and the fan gets a thrill while the WWE gets to look good. There’s nothing wrong with both sides getting something out of it, especially when one of them has already done something so great.

What do you think when WWE does something like this? What is your favorite instance of WWE thanking someone? Let us know in the comments below.


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