It’s something else he can do. Wrestlers are very talented people as they have to find a way to balance a variety of things in any given match. Not only are they wrestling, but they are telling stories, protecting each other and making the fans buy what is being done. That is something difficult to do, but it is all the more impressive when they pull it off. Wrestlers have a lot of skills, and now another is showing what he can do outside of the ring.
AEW’s Max Caster has released a music video for his new song Mixed Messages. The song is part of the Who We Are Volume 1 commemorative AEW album, with proceeds from the album going to the Bootsy Collins Foundation. Caster has released several music videos during his AEW career, with several of them being diss tracks aimed at wrestlers Caster and the Acclaimed are feuding with at the moment.
He’s pretty awesome at this. Check out the new video:

Opinion: This might not be your style of music but you can absolutely see the effort that Caster puts into these videos and songs. Caster is a very talented star and someone who can offer a lot more than just what he can do in the ring. AEW is lucky to have him and they are smart to present him every chance that they can, especially when he comes up with something like this.
What do you think of Caster’s video? How far can he go in AEW? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books
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