Welcome home again. One of the most exciting days of the month is the day NXT taped television. That promotion just knows how to take almost anything and make it work. They’re one of the most entertaining and consistent promotions in the world right now and one of the things that they do best is make compelling television. As luck would have it, that day has come again.
NXT was back at Full Sail University to tape three more episodes of television. These shows are scheduled to air from September 26 through October 10, though there is always the chance that some of these matches and segments were taped out of order. These shows will play a big role in building towards the next Takeover event, which takes place on November 17 in Los Angeles. Here are the results, courtesy of Wrestlinginc.com:
September 26 Episode:
* NXT General Manager William Regal is out. Regal says he’s getting closer to finding out about Aleister Black’s attacker, when the The Undisputed Era interrupt. Adam Cole says Aleister is old news and says Regal hasn’t been doing his job because he’s too busy playing Sherlock Holmes. Undisputed ask when he’s going to deal with the War Raiders, and Cole demands his rematch with Ricochet. Regal says Cole interfering last week wasn’t fair, so he won’t get his rematch immediately. Instead, in 2 weeks, it will be Ricochet vs Pete Dunne vs Adam Cole for the North American Championship, and in 3 weeks, it will be Undisputed vs War Raiders for the Tag Team Championships
* Lars Sullivan defeated Victor Orchant. Lars was destroying Victor when EC3 ran out and attacked Lars for the DQ. EC3 sent Lars packing and posed in the ring
* The Mighty defeated The Street Profits. The Mighty come out with Montez’s cup and chains. Street Profits come out serious, no dancing. Thorne mocks the Profits while dancing with the chains, and eats a right hand from Dawkins. Ford sidesteps Miller and he careens into the steps. Profits have control until Thorne runs Ford into the ring post and Ford’s leg gets trapped in the steps, and Thorne charges it. After a few hope spots, Ford attempts to flip out of a move, but tweaks the bad leg and gets rolled up for the pin
* NXT Women’s Champion Kairi Sane defeated Vanessa Borne in a non-title match. Borne puts Kairi’s hat on and then stomps it, while Kairi gets angry. Vanessa gets a little offense in, but Kairi gets the baseball slide and the InSane Elbow for the win. Shayna Baszler comes out. Shayna tells Kairi to enjoy celebrating, but she’s invoking her rematch clause, and she’s going to drop anchor on Kairi’s title reign. Kairi tells Shayna she can have her rematch at WWE Evolution, and she will win
* NXT Champion Tomasso Ciampa defeated Otis Dozovic in a non-title match. Really fun match. Otis overpowers Ciampa at the start. Otis hits a huge powerslam, but Ciampa rolls out of the ring. They brawl with Otis getting the upperhand. Otis teases a dive, but does the worm instead when Ciampa flees. Ciampa pulls Otis down by his head on the ramp and takes control, but can’t put Otis down. Otis counters a sleeper by laying back on him, and regains control. Ciampa tries to walk out, but Tucker Knight comes out and Otis lays out Ciampa and tosses him back in the ring. Otis goes up for a moonsault, but Ciampa rolls away. Otis goes down to get Ciampa, but eats a DDT through the ropes onto the apron and then the through the ropes DDT into the ring for the pin
October 3 Episode:
* Lacey Evans defeated Candice LeRae. They shove to start and Lacey takes her down. Lacey does a headscissors takedown into doing push-ups while still holding Candice in the headscissors. They go back and forth. Lacey shouts that Candice is a loser, just like her husband. Candice unloads on Lacey in the corner and is pulled off by the referee, allowing Lacey to hit the Women’s Right for the pin
* The Forgotten Sons defeated enhancement talents Kirsh, Rise, and Mixon. Cutler is wearing a face mask after getting his nose broken in the Street Profits match a few weeks ago. Total squash match. They hit a double stomp, inverted DDT spot and the Ryker hits a bounce of the ropes powerbomb for the win
* Johnny Gargano defeated Tony Nese. Excellent match. Crowd is split and Johnny got boos in his entrance. Johnny with a tope and soaks up the crowd. Tony kicks him on the top rope and catches him in a fireman’s carry when he bounces up and hits a gut buster for 2. Tony goes for a springboard moonsault but comes up empty and lands on his feet, but Johnny hits the jumping DDT into the ring. Johnny with the middle rope spear for 2. Great sequence of nearfalls, that ends with Johnny going for the GargaNo Escape, but Nese rolling him over and lifting him up with one arm and tossing him into the ropes. Nese reverses the jumping DDT and tosses Johnny outside, hits a Fosberry Flop and a 450 but only gets 2. Johnny cuts off Nese’s running corner knee with a superkick, gets a huge clothesline and the GargaNo Escape for the win
* Lars Sullivan defeated EC3. EC3 stops doing his usual entrance and charges the ring. He rams Lars into the steps several times and hits a suplex on the ramp. Brutally stiff match. Lars’ back is bleeding from the steps and EC3 is bleeding from the mouth and a cut over his eye. Lars hits a Freak Accident on the apron and then a diving headbutt for the win
October 10 Episode:
* NXT Champion Tomasso Ciampa comes out for a promo. He praises his entrance music for being great and silencing the sheep. He says there’s always one sheep that wants to break out from the pack and that is Velveteen. He calls Dream out for accusing him of attacking Aleister and sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. Dream interiors and says this is all amusing to him, but the part about him being the greatest sports entertainer. Dream says the NXT Championship deserves a true experience instead of being with an angry little bald man. Ciampa says why don’t you admit it? Ciampa says the title thinks Dream isn’t Tough Enough. Dream takes offense and says Ciampa should give him a shot. Nikki across interrupts and looks over both guys. Nikki gets in Dream’s face and says she knows what he did, and knocks the mic out of Ciampa’s hand and says she knows what he did too. Ciampa goes to get the mic but Nikki kicks it away and leaves the ring saying “I know, I know” over and over again
* Keith Lee defeated Kona Reeves. Kona gets some offense in, but Keith hits a pounce and his fireman’s carry powerslam for the win
* They are taping out of order as the War Raiders vs Undisputed Era match is up now
* The War Raiders defeated NXT Tag Team Champions The Undisputed Era by DQ, Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong retain. Great match. War Raiders dominate early, but Undisputed Era take out Rowe’s knee and isolate him. Rowe eventually makes the tag. Lots of action here, too much to recap. Cole runs down to interfere but gets laid out. Hanson and Rowe eventually hit the top rope leg drop finisher, when Bobby Fish runs down with a chair and breaks up the pin for the DQ. He hits brutal shots on both Hanson and Rowe and lays them out. Roddy and Kyle hit Total Elimination on Rowe and all 4 pose over the fallen War Raiders
* Shayna Baszler defeated Britt Baker. Quick match. Shayna does the arm stomp spot and the referee calls the match off due to Shayna “breaking” Britt’s arm and awards the win to Shayna. Shayna cheap shots Britt after the match
* Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch defeated Tian Bing and Rocky. Quick match, nothing really here. Oney and Danny hit the elevated DDT for the win
* Bianca Belair vs. Nikki Cross. Good match. Nikki attacks at the start and they brawl out of the ring. Nikki tosses Bianca into the steps. Bianca catches Nikki on a crossbody attempt and tosses her overhead. Bianca with a standing moonsault for 2. Nikki catches Bianca in a tree of woe and stomps away. Nikki with a flying crossbody for 2. Bianca with a spear, but can only get 2. Bianca with a deadlift sitout powerbomb for a nearfall. Bianca gorilla presses Nikki off the top and squats with her, until Nikki gets out of it. Nikki hits a superplex, and the lights go out. Aleister Black’s music hits, the lights come up and Aleister is seated in the ring with only Nikki. Nikki cackles until Aleister raises a hand and motions her to come to him. Aleister asks who made her, and Nikki whispers in his ear. Aleister is enraged and heads to the back
* Ricochet defeated Pete Dunne and Adam Cole to retain the NXT North American Title. Incredible match. Ricochet and Dunne keep eliminating Cole and squaring off amongst themselves. Cole runs in and attacks both guys finally and trades turns with both guys. All three finally go at it and we get a flurry of offense between everyone. Really good stuff. Dunne with a double single leg crab on Cole and Ricochet. Ricochet goes for a moonsault but both Cole and Dunne superkick him out of the air. Cole drops Dunne with a DDT on the apron. An awesome sequence of moonsaults and superkicks on the outside. Ricochet with a double hurricanrana off the top. Dunne with the Bitter End, but Ricochet hits a moonsault, and Pete catches him in a choke hold instead. Cole with the brainbuster over the knee on Dunne for a great nearfall. Dunne goes for a cover after the Bitter End on Cole, but Ricochet hits a springboard 450 on Dunne in the pinfall and scores the pin.
In case you forgot how we got here:

Aleister Black is found unconscious in the parking lot: NXT Exclusive, Aug. 8, 2018
Opinion: Things are starting to get interesting and having the question of who attacked Aleister Black answered is a heck of a setup going forward. That could give us a major match coming up at Takeover, as Black is going to want his revenge. Other than that, you can see where WarGames is likely going and that makes for some very interesting television as we move forward.
Which of these matches interests you the most? What are you expecting for Takeover? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews.
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