Main Event
Date: May 11, 2017
Location: 02 Arena, London, England
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves
It’s the British version of the supplemental show, meaning we get to see the highlights from a pretty dull episode of Monday Night Raw. You can typically guess what you’re going to get from something like this but there’s always the chance, albeit somewhat unlikely, that they might throw in a curve ball. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Curt Hawkins vs. Aleister Black
Result: Aleister Black b. Curt Hawkins – Black Mass (2:02)
From Raw for the first time.
Kalisto vs. Braun Strowman
Braun says he’s not wrestling this match and then kicks Kalisto in the face. Cue Roman Reigns though and we’ll say it’s a no contest at thirty seconds.
Three straight Superman Punches put Strowman on the floor but he still manages to kick a charging Reigns in the chest. Reigns gets the sling off the bad arm and sends it into the post over and over. A bunch of chair shots knock Strowman into the crowd.

Roman Reigns attacks Braun Strowman: Raw, May 8, 2017
And now, an actual match from Main Event.Seth Rollins vs. Samoa Joe
They head straight to the floor to start the brawl with Joe throwing him around, only to have Seth catch him with a clothesline off the steps. The fight heads back inside with Joe taking over and grabbing a suplex for two. Joe gets in a hard shot to the knee though and Rollins crumbles to the floor as we take a break. Back with Joe dropping a big knee and telling Rollins not to listen to the fans.
The Koquina Clutch is broken up with a jawbreaker and Joe is sent outside for back to back suicide dives. A springboard clothesline gives Seth two but he walks into the snap powerslam for two. Joe can’t powerbomb him though and gets caught in the falcon’s arrow. A turnbuckle pad is pulled off but Seth gets two off a superkick anyway. It’s Rollins being sent chest first into the buckle behind the referee’s back. Joe does it again in front of the referee’s back for the DQ at 14:12.
Result: Seth Rollins b. Samoa Joe via DQ when Joe sent him into an exposed buckle (14:12)
Joe chokes him out after the match.
Gran Metalik vs. Noam Dar
They fight over the arm to start with an armdrag annoying Dar, mainly due to hair issues. The springboard armdrag sends Dar outside and a top rope Asai moonsault sends us to a break. Back with Dar kicking the leg out to send Metalik out to the floor. Dar grabs an armbar for all of a few seconds before Metalik’s comeback doesn’t get him very far. The Metalik Driver is countered by a kick to the ribs but Dar is dropkicked outside for a suicide dive. Not that it matters as the running kick to the chest ends Metalik at 10:15.
Result: Noam Dar b. Gran Metalik – Running kick to the chest (10:15)
We’ll wrap it up here.
Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose
Non-title with Miz and Maryse on commentary. Bray punches Dean in the head to start as Miz talks about wanting to return prestige to the Intercontinental Title. Dirty Deeds doesn’t work so Bray suplexes him on the floor instead. Back with Bray getting two off a DDT until Dean hits a hard clothesline. Ambrose sends him outside for the running clothesline off the barricade and here are Miz and Maryse to ringside.
Sister Abigail is countered into a rollup for two and Dean hits the top rope elbow. Miz grabs the Intercontinental Title for a distraction so Dean suicide dives onto him. Bray is smart enough to go after the distracted Dean, allowing Miz to hit Ambrose in the back with the title. Sister Abigail finishes Ambrose at 15:12.
Result: Bray Wyatt b. Dean Ambrose – Sister Abigail (15:12)

Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt: Raw, May 8, 2017
Miz poses over Ambrose and hits the catchphrase to end the show.
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