Two in a day. Earlier today, it was announced the Matt Morgan would be leaving Global Force Wrestling. It turns out that he wouldn’t even be the only name to leave that company that very day. While Morgan wasn’t the biggest star in the promotion, the second name to leave is a former multiple time Tag Team Champion and a fairly strong heel.

Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards: Last Man Standing | IMPACT April 6th, 2017
Opinion: If Richards had to leave, it makes sense for him to go now. His feud with Eddie Edwards has run on far too long and it’s not like he had anything else going on, save for being an entrant in the Super X Cup. Richards has never been my cup of tea but at least he’s leaving on a positive note for a change.
Did you like Richards’ time in Global Force Wrestling? Should the company be worried about losing so many names in such a short span? Let us know in the comments below.