Sami Zayn

  • RUMOR: WWE Sending A Message To Wrestlers

    There was a point to it. We are in some interesting times in the world and that includes WWE as well. With so many things going on at once, it...

    NewsMay 16, 2020
  • Intercontinental Title Vacated, Tournament Announced

    NewsMay 13, 2020
  • WATCH: Men’s 2017 Money in the Bank Ladder Match

    A precursor to the throne. WWE has posted a new video to its YouTube channel in which they show the full Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match from 2017....

    VideosMay 9, 2020
  • Title Plans Changed Due To Coronavirus Issues

    They had a path forward. Things are not quite normal in WWE at the moment and I’m not sure how long that is going to be the case. With the...

    NewsMay 8, 2020
  • Why Sami Zayn Has Been Missing WWE TV

    It’s kind of hard to blame him. We are in a strange time at the moment and it might not get any more normal for a very long time. The...

    NewsMay 1, 2020
  • WATCH: Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match From WrestleMania 32

    Woo woo woo, you know it. WWE has posted a new video to its YouTube channel in which they show the full ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship from WrestleMania...

    VideosApril 22, 2020
  • Current Champion Undergoes Surgery

    NewsApril 20, 2020
  • Surprise Title Change Takes Place At Elimination Chamber

    Well that was a surprise. We are less than four weeks away from Wrestlemania and that means things are starting to come into focus. At the same time though, there...

    NewsMarch 8, 2020
  • VIDEO: Don’t Mess With Him: Sami Zayn Gets In Verbal Altercation With Fan At Live Event Over Shouting Homophobic Slur

    You may not want to do that. There are a lot of different kinds of people in wrestling with some being nicer than others. You may hear a lot of...

    NewsDecember 10, 2019
  • So Much For The Draft Rules. WWE Debuts A New Loophole To Allow Superstars To Jump Between Shows

    Well I guess that’s a loophole. Back in October, WWE split its roster in two again as Monday Night Raw and SmackDown became two fully separate rosters. This meant that...

    NewsDecember 10, 2019