That’s kind of fast. There are all kinds of injuries that can take someone out of action and the question becomes how long it is going to be before they...
He’ll be around. There are certain wrestlers who reach legendary status while they are still active competitors. You do not see stars of this magnitude very often but when you...
See you later. Injuries can be devastating for a wrestler, as you never know when you are going to see someone put on the shelf for a very long time....
It’s spreading. While most storylines involve two or maybe three people at first, there are others which can spread very quickly and pull in a variety of people. This can...
That’s a different way to go. There are all kinds of ways to present wrestlers and one of the most interesting is showcasing wrestlers as superheros. Over the years, there...
That’s even longer. Injuries are one of the worst things to happen to a wrestler as they can change all kinds of plans at the drop of a hat. Injuries...
They had a plan. Occasionally you will see a wrestler written off of television for one reason or another. One of the most common situations is due to injury, which...
Get well soon. Injuries can be a devastating problem for any wrestler as you never know what is going to happen after. It can take quite a bit of time...