That’s a nice thing to see. WWE presents all kinds of events over the course of a year and make quite the fortune in doing so. It means a lot...
That’s always cool. Wrestlers are able to do a lot of things with their celebrity status and it can often be rather positive. Sometimes you see a wrestler get to...
That’s a nice thing to do. Wrestlers are in a weird place when it comes to celebrity status, as while they are known for being on television every week, they...
That’s a unique honor. Wrestlers have a weird celebrity status as they are indeed television stars, but there is a pretty firm limit to what that can mean. Ultimately, they...
That’s just nice. Every now and then, you find a wrestler who takes their celebrity status and runs with it. They will use their resources to help positively impact a...
The exception to the rule. One of the more interesting WWE stories over the last year has been the company taking over its wrestlers’ social media platforms. This makes sense...
It looks good off of him. Appearance is one of the most important things that makes a wrestler a big deal. At the end of the day, wrestling is a...
Where his mouth is. John Cena may not be the most universally loved wrestler of all time but he is someone who has shown that he is willing to back...