Last month, Jannetty, now 57, allegedly took to his Facebook page asking his fans whether he should be able to have sex with his “daughter” Bianca after they both reportedly fought the urge to do so for some time.
It took a DNA test to prove Bianca wasn’t his biological daughter and now it is being reported Jannetty is intent on proceeding with a relationship.
Jannetty allegedly uploaded a now deleted post that featured a photo of Bianca who looks to be in her 20s. He accompanied this by saying:
“If you loves me as much as I loves you, you will give your opinion…just did DNA ( 2 weeks ago)…she’s NOT my daughter..we both held out of sex because you don’t do that…but now that we ain’t???? From a guys side … SHES F***N HOTT..but..she’s been my daughter.. I want to too, but can’t get past that..”
Here is the post:
It is unknown at this time whether Jannetty was hacked, though he has not referenced this since the deletion of the post to inform the public that he was hacked.
It is worth noting that Jannetty told Kayfabe Commentaries in 2013 during an interview that his first sexual encounter was at age 12 and was with a niece or cousin.
The former Tag and Intercontinental Champion only learned of Bianca’s existence back in 2014, based on other posts on his Facebook page.
If any more news does come out on this situation, Wrestling Rumors will update you.
A few years back, Jannetty appeared on ‘Raw‘ where he faced The Miz in a match. To see how Jannetty is looking more recently, we highly suggest you take a look at this video.

Marty Jannetty vs. The Miz
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