He’s back. WWE Hall of Famer Jesse ‘The Body” Ventura was recently interviewed by The New York Post. This was in preparation for his return to the commentary team for the upcoming “Saturday Night’s Main Event.”
Below is a highlight from the interview:
On why he’s returning to WWE:
“My son was a fan of wrestling and a fan of myself growing up, so he took it upon himself to make some contact with the new ownership and they started talking,” Ventura said.
“One thing led to another, and I realized they were under new ownership and I wasn’t going to be held to the old standard of why I got kicked out before. Lo and behold it happened. I’ll tell you this: I did it selfishly for my kids. I’m 73 now. I ain’t gonna be around forever. I want to position it where if anybody makes money off my name, I want my kids to have a piece of it.”
“With Saturday Night’s Main Event coming back after 40 years, somebody said, ‘We need Jesse for this,’” Ventura said. “Because we had already negotiated the Legends deal, it wasn’t a big deal to negotiate this. The ice had been broken and now hell has frozen over.”
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