It got serious. Wrestlers talking to each other, often in heated tones, is one of the most important parts of wrestling. An exchange of promos can ignite or extend a...
She did it again. Women’s wrestling has come a very long way in recent years and women are atop the division throughout the industry. It is impressive to see just...
Save the date. Retirement is a complicated issue in wrestling as you never know when you are going to see someone hang up their boots for good. There are all...
She’s back? With so many wrestlers on the AEW roster, it can be difficult to keep track of everyone around. This can lead to some issues when a wrestler leaves...
It might be a bit. There are all kinds of ways for a wrestler to get hurt and unfortunately some of them can take a long time to heal. Some...
Collision Date: October 14, 2023 Location: Huntington Center, Toledo, Ohio Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone Dynamite was a big deal this week and now we get to see...
Get well soon. There are all kinds of ways a wrestler can get hurt and some of them can be rather serious. You never know when someone is going to...
That hasn’t gone well. The rise of AEW has changed the way the wrestling world works as WWE is no longer the only big game in the industry. That is...