Date: August 27, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the go home show for No Mercy and that means it is time to hammer home everything on the card. In this case, most of the show is already set, including Joe Hendry getting an NXT Title shot against Ethan Page. This week will see Hendry in concert, which could go rather well. Let’s get to it.

In memory Of Sid Vicious.

Fatal Influence is ready for Meta Four.

Meta Four is ready for Fatal Influence.

Meta Four vs. Fatal Influence

Jackson dropkicks Jayne down to start so it’s off to Henley, who grabs a choke on Legend. It’s back to Jackson for a dropkick but Jayne comes back in to hurricanrana Legend down. That doesn’t work for Legend, who throws both of them down, setting up Jackson’s dive on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Legend swinging Henley into Jayne and then sending her flying with a fall away slam. Something like a top rope Hart Attack gets two on Henley but Jayne’s running neckbreaker gets the same on Jackson. Back up and a Nyx distraction lets Jayne superkick Legend out to the floor. Legend superkicks Nyx, only to walk back into a pair of running knees to give Henley the pin at 10:02.

Result: Fatal Influence b. Meta Four – Stereo running knees to Legend (10:02)

Video on Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz, who were a team for a long time as MSK, only to have Wentz get released and wind up in TNA. Then he came back and reunited with Lee, who had a heck of a singles career in NXT of his own. Then Lee turned on Wentz and set off a huge brawl, leading to a showdown this Sunday at No Mercy.

Eddy Thorpe shows some women a DJing gig. Ashante Thee Adonis comes in to say if the women were there, he needs to have to start showing up. The three women leave and say goodbye to Thorpe. Adonis asks which Thorpe is dating but Thorpe says it’s just about the music. Thorpe doesn’t get how a platonic relationship can happen. Then Brooks Jensen follows and jumps….I want to say Edris Enofe with a chair.

Karmen Petrovic vs. Izzi Dame

Petrovic kicks away to start and grabs a headlock. Dame is back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two before pulling Petrovic out of the air with a sky high for two. Petrovic gets out of a torture rack and scores with a spinwheel kick, only to spin into a hard clothesline. Back up and Dame slams her down for two but Petrovic pulls her into a sunset flip for the pin at 4:10.

Result: Karmen Petrovic b. Izzi Dame – Sunset flip (4:10)

Charlie Dempsey and Wren Sinclair argue over who is in charge of the team.

Tony D’Angelo wants the Family to take out the No Quarter Catch Crew.

We get a sitdown interview with Jaida Parker, who gives us a very quick recap of how she got to this point in two years. She was a bit banged up last week but Roxanne Perez is underestimating her. Perez comes in to list off some parts of a resume…but she means people like Lola Vice, who she has already beat. On Sunday, Parker is going to find out what she is up against. Parker slaps her down and leaves, though only after threatening someone we don’t see. Perez is surprised to see the same mystery person.

D’Angelo Family vs. No Quarter Catch Crew

Stacks Dempsey to start and then sends him throat first into the bottom rope. Borne comes in to strike away at Crusifino before it’s back to Stacks, who gets suplexed into the corner. It’s off to Riz for a dropkick to Sinclair as the Family clears the ring…and here are two guys in suits (who were in the back with the Family in their segment) to get Tony D’Angelo’s attention.

The three of them go to the back and we go to a break, coming back with The Family hitting stereo legdrops between the legs. Borne is up first though and goes after Stacks’ leg to take over. Dempsey cranks on the same leg and then switches to a German suplex, only to have Stacks slip over for the tag to Crusifino without much trouble. Everything breaks down and Riz dives onto Sinclair before dropping Dempsey, leaving Borne to walk into Forget About It for the pin at 11:07.

Result: D’Angelo Family b. No Quarter Catch Crew – Forget About It to Borne (11:07)

Pete Dunne wants the NXT Title but he’ll take out Trick Williams first.

Ethan Page thinks he should be suspended for shoving a referee last week but Ava isn’t going to do that.

We get an in-ring staredown between Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz, with security provided. Wentz says Lee is willing to give up a nine year partnership because of his own ego. Lee talks about how they’re on different levels, but Wentz says he lost their time as a tag team because of his own mistakes. That doesn’t work for Lee, who still says he’s on another level. Wentz calls out Lee for being ready to quit NXT for the third time and reminds Lee of the times he was there after the back surgery. Wentz doesn’t think much of Lee, who says that he’ll show why he is the NXT star and Wentz is just the wrestler.

Joe Hendry thanks Trick Williams for last week and promises him the first NXT Title shot. Williams promises to hold him to that.

Here is Kelani Jordan for a chat. She calls Wendy Choo’s handpicked opponent…and here we go.

Kelani Jordan vs. Rosemary

Non-title and that would be former TNA Knockouts Champion Rosemary. Jordan spins her around to start but gets ties up in the Upside Down (a leg choke in the ropes with Rosemary bending backwards onto the apron). Back up and Rosemary gets two off a t-bone suplex before slapping on a rear naked choke. They forearm it out until Jordan hits a Rob Van Dam stepover spinning kick to the face. A Downward Spiral into a basement dropkick…has Rosemary rising right back up, with a spear getting two on Jordan. Back up and Jordan kicks her out of the corner, setting up One Of A Kind for the fast pin at 4:23.

Result: Kelani Jordan b. Rosemary – One Of A Kind (4:23)

Post match Wendy Choo pops in to choke Jordan out.

Oro Mensah gives the rest of Meta Four a post loss pep talk. Lexis King comes in to mock them…but Mensah mentions that King doesn’t have a father figure. King punches him in the face and the brawl has to be broken up.

It’s off to Chase U, where Riley Osborne and Duke Hudson apologize for their loss. Ridge Holland says it’s cool as long as they’re still champions. Axiom and Nathan Frazier come in to brag about their success and promise to win the titles back.

Malik Blade vs. Brooks Jensen

Blade jumps him on the floor to start and the fight is on, with Jensen grabbing a neckbreaker to take over. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Blade fights up and hits a running elbow before something like a Blockbuster gets two. Jensen is right back with a DDT and a top rope elbow for the pin at 3:26.

Result: Brooks Jensen b. Malik Blade – Top rope elbow (3:26)

Je’Von Evans is ready to prove himself to Joe Coffey.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger are interrupted by OTM. A match is set for later.

Je’Von Evans vs. Joe Coffey

The rest of Gallus is here with Coffey, who takes him down by the arm to start. A running hurricanrana sends Coffey outside and Evans annoys Wolfgang, setting up a dropkick for two on Coffey. We take a break and come back with Coffey knocking him down again, only to have Evan hit a running clothesline. A springboard spinning kick to the head sets up a springboard clothesline for two as Coffey is rocked.

Back up and Coffey hits a quick Glasgow Sendoff for two but he charges into a superkick to cut him off again. Coffey goes up again but dives into a cutter, followed by Evans’ top rope cutter for two more. Wolfgang offers a distraction though and it’s Mark Coffey coming in, only to get taken out by another Evans cutter. The distraction lets Joe hit All The Best For The Bells for the pin at 8:59.

Result: Joe Coffey b. Je’Von Evans – All The Best For The Bells (8:59)

Tony D’Angelo goes to the restaurant and finds Oba Femi in his spot. Femi says he doesn’t need D’Angelo’s disrespect because he is the ruler of NXT. D’Angelo says they can come in here and talk like men, or they can fight. Femi isn’t going to fight here because he’ll prove himself at No Mercy. He isn’t scared of D’Angelo. Simple and to the point here, as this isn’t personal, but rather about two different kinds of power.

No Mercy rundown.

Here is Joe Hendry for his concert. The first song is about Ethan Page being weird, not wearing clothes when he trains and loving toys. Cue Page to interrupt but the fans would rather sing the chorus. The song keeps going as Page threatens Hendry and here is a rather amused looking Ava to interrupt.

Since Page has been so disrespectful to the referees, here is the special guest referee for the title match: Trick Williams. Hendry gives Page a Standing Ovation so Williams can count the pin to….not end the show as we cut to Pete Dunne threatening Williams to really end the show.

Fatal Influence b. Meta Four – Stereo running knees to Legend
Karmen Petrovic b. Izzi Dame – Sunset flip
D’Angelo Family b. No Quarter Catch Crew – Forget About It to Borne
Kelani Jordan b. Rosemary – One Of A Kind
Brooks Jensen b. Malik Blade – Top rope elbow
Joe Coffey b. Je’Von Evans – All The Best For The Bells

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You can find more from Thomas Hall at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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