Date: May 29, 2024
Location: Kia Forum, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’re done with Double Or Nothing and in for the build to Forbidden Door next month. That means we are likely going to be getting a bunch of guest stars on the show and that could make for some interesting situations. Other than that, we have a Casino Gauntlet match for the #1 contendership to the World Title and that should be a blast. Let’s get to it.

Here is Mercedes Mone for her big championship celebration, complete with balloons. She asks if she was worth the wait and brags about tearing the house down with Willow Nightingale. Mone knew Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway would screw Nightingale over but she wants Nightingale to come back better than ever. We are about a month away from Forbidden Door and….here is Skye Blue to pop up on screen and reveal that she attacked Mone a few weeks ago. Then Blue runs in to attack her and pose with the belt.

Long video on Double Or Nothing.

Swerve Strickland vs. Killswitch

Non-title. Killswitch knocks him to the floor but Swerve gets in a kick to the knee to slow him down. A neckbreaker in the ring and another on the floor drop Killswitch but he sends Swerve into the steps. They go back inside for some pummeling in the corner and we take a break.

Back with Swerve not being able to get a triangle choke on but kicking Killswitch down anyway. Swerve can’t get a suplex so Killswitch chokeslams him down for two instead. Killswitch grabs a chair but gets it pulled away, allowing Swerve to hit the Stomp off the apron. Swerve gets knocked down again back inside but comes right back with a German suplex. The House Call into the Swerve Stomp gets two, because the World Champion can’t get a clean pin off his finisher. Another House Call finishes for Swerve at 11:42.

Result: Swerve Strickland b. Killswitch – House Call (11:42)

Swerve gets his hair back from Killswitch.

We get an announcement from Tony Khan by way of Tony Schiavone: Mercedes Mone is defending against Skye Blue tonight.

Jon Moxley is ready for Rocky Romero tonight and lists off a bunch of places he’ll be wrestling, mainly in Japan.

It’s time for Chris Jericho’s TV Time segment, the Learning Tree. Big Bill talks about how important it is to learn before Jericho talks about how many get called but few actually go. You should always have a cherry on top of your ice cream, and now we see the new member of the Learning Tree: Bryan Keith! Cue Keith, who thinks more people should respect Jericho, who yells at fans for swearing. Cue Hook to go after them but Samoa Joe cuts him off.

We look at Jon Moxley beating Konosuke Takeshita at Double Or Nothing, though commentary thought it was a look at a woman named Stephanie Vaquer.

Video on Stephanie Vaquer.

Jon Moxley vs. Rocky Romero

Non-title and Moxley’s shoulder is in bad shape coming in. Romero goes right after the bad arm and kicks away at it before sending Moxley out to the apron. The arm is cranked around the ropes as Moxley is still in trouble as we take a break. Back with Moxley hitting a one armed superplex, followed by an exchange of strikes.

Moxley knocks him into the corner but gets caught in a tornado DDT. Romero gets the cross armbreaker and cranks away until Moxley manages to get to his feet. Some stomping gets Moxley out of trouble and a big clothesline into the Death Rider finishes Romero off at 10:46.

Result: Jon Moxley b. Rocky Romero – Death Rider (10:46)

Samoa Joe and Hook seem to threaten the Learning Tree.

Here is Don Callis to offer a contract to Orange Cassidy. Cue Cassidy, who rips the contract up. Cassidy: “Hey Don. No.” Callis is livid, but here are Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway to reveal that their friend has joined the Don Callis Family. Cue Trent Beretta, in a suit, to jump Cassidy and bust him open. Trent and Callis hug.

Daniel Garcia is ready to come after the International Title.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Skye Blue

Mone is defending and knocks Blue down fast. They’re quickly on the floor with Mone hitting the Meteora off the apron for two back inside. A hanging neckbreaker gives Blue two and we take an early break. Back with Mone hitting a Backstabber for two but Blue is back with the spinning full nelson faceplant for two of her own. Code Blue is loaded up but Mone reverses into the Mone Maker for the pin at 7:42.

Result: Mercedes Mone b. Skye Blue – Mone Maker (7:42)

Post match Stephanie Vaquer comes out to stare Mone down.

Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander do not like Willow Nightingale. Statlander says everyone is going to need protection from her.

Video on MJF, who has signed a new long term deal with the company.

Here is the Elite to address the future of the TNT Title. They all brag about how great the week has been for the team, including Double Or Nothing and their shoe launch. The Bucks have a present for Okada, and we see a black Lamborghini in the parking lot, with RAIN MAKR plates. Okada is in tears but now we have to move on to business.

Adam Copeland has broken his leg (as Matt told him to do before the match), meaning Copeland is stripped of the TNT Title. And Jack Perry is the new champion! Cue Christopher Daniels to say not so fast, because Tony Khan has named him the Interim Executive Vice President, so he’s here to make announcements for Khan. Perry isn’t the champion because we’re going to have a bunch of qualifying matches….for the LADDER MATCH for the TNT Title at Forbidden Door. The Elite go after Daniels but Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed make the save.

Swerve Strickland is ready for all challengers.

Rush calls out MJF, who will be here next week.

Casino Gauntlet

The winner gets a World Title shot at Forbidden Door and it is one fall to a finish, which could come at any time. There are 21 entrants and they come out at “random times”, with Jay White in at #1 and Pac in at #2. Pac jumps him to start and they’re quickly on the floor with White being sent into various hard objects. A big flip dive takes White out again and a missile dropkick gets two.

Mistico is in at #3 and clears the ring. A big dive takes out White and Pac and we take a break. Back with Will Ospreay in at #4 and going straight after Mistico. Ospreay and Pac yell at each other but Mistico breaks it up. Shota Umino (Jon Moxley’s former lackey) is in at #5 and gets to clean house but White knocks him down.

Claudio Castagnoli is in at #6 and uppercuts Umino for a fast two. There’s the Swing to White and we take another break. Back again with Lio Rush in at #7 and kicks Castagnoli out to the floor. Umino and Rush trade clotheslines until Castagnoli runs them both over.

Orange Cassidy, with a taped up head, is in at #8 and has to knee his way out of Castagnoli’s suplex. A running DDT plants Castagnoli but Ospreay is back up for the staredown with Cassidy. That’s broken up and Hechicero is in at #9 to clean house again. Mistico is back up with a headscissors to put Castagnoli on the floor, setting up a big hurricanrana from the top. White and Pac are back in but Ospreay breaks up the Blade Runner. Cassidy hurricanranas Ospreay for two but gets caught with the Oscutter for the pin at 22:15.

Result: Will Ospreay b. Swerve Strickland – Oscutter (22:15)

Strickland comes out to stare Ospreay down to end the show.

Swerve Strickland b. Killswitch – House Call
Jon Moxley b. Rocky Romero – Death Rider
Mercedes Mone b. Skye Blue – Mone Maker
Will Ospreay won the Casino Gauntlet match – Oscutter to Cassidy

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You can find more from Thomas Hall at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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