Pro wrestlers should give the illusion that they’re actually trying to win the match. It’s an art that’s been lost for many talents who oftentimes just go through the motions when they’re in the ring. Merely going move for move during a match is not enough. Multiple finishers and dangerous acrobatics will never be enough.

Fans must feel that each worker is genuinely attempting to get the victory. Today’s crowd is smart and they realize the business is a work but in the heat of the moment, that prior knowledge does not matter. The second that fans are able to suspend their disbelief long enough to truly buy into what they’re seeing between the ropes is the second that pro wrestling works.

Very few wrestlers in the business today can convince the audience the way Nakamura can. Shinsuke came from an environment where each move matters and every match is life or death. It’s that ultra realistic style that he not only learned, he mastered.

AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura Wrestle Kingdom 10 Highlights

The Shinsuke Nakamura that reigned in NJPW was a beast. He was fun when he needed to be but when the time came to take over the match and make it count, he was a killer. His MMA training took center stage and Strong Style returned to New Japan with a vengeance. Nakamura had to be tougher than leather on that stage due to the kind of competition he faced every night. Not only did he rise to the occasion; he surpassed all expectations.

He was legitimately tough and skilled beyond his years. Nakamura was the best of the best. He rose to prominence because of the complete package he offered as a performer. Shinsuke could do everything and often did. He was the most enigmatic and well-rounded talent New Japan had perhaps ever produced. That is the Shinsuke Nakamura that will walk the aisle at WrestleMania 34.

AJ Styles Shoots On Wrestlemania 34 Match With Shinsuke Nakamura

The WWE Universe needs to see what Nakamura is truly capable of and he will show it against the man that brings out the absolute best in him. Styles and Shinsuke is a natural pairing and it works because each man pushes the other to give the best effort possible in the ring.

Only by elevating each other will the match itself be successful and both men understand that. WWE fans have fallen in love with Shinsuke ‘light,” but they’re going to get King Nakamura on April 8. Not only will Nakamura impress at Mania, he will prove that he’s not just fun and games.

He will show the killer instinct he used in Japan because that’s where he is at his best. Nakamura knows how important this night is for him and for the company. More importantly, he knows how much this match surely means to AJ Styles.

Neither man was perhaps supposed to work in WWE, much less main event the biggest night of the year together. But WrestleMania is the event where heroes are born and legends are made. So in that regard, it’s the perfect night for both of them to shine. Shinsuke Nakamura is a Superstar. But after WrestleMania 34, he will become a king once again.

Tom Clark can regularly be seen on Wrestling Rumors. His podcast, Tom Clark’s Main Event, is available on iTunes, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Amazon Android, Windows Phone and online at


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