
  • Two At Once: Injured WWE Superstar Dealing With Another Problem While On The Shelf

    They’re working on it. Wrestlers work very physical, demanding jobs and it can be difficult to keep their bodies in working condition. There are certain injuries that will build up...

    NewsMay 27, 2024
  • NXT Results – February 20, 2024

    NewsFebruary 25, 2024
  • Ouch: SmackDown Star Confirms Torn ACL, To Miss About 9 Months

    That’s a terrible one. There are all kinds of injuries in wrestling and you never want to see someone be put on the injured list for any amount of time....

    NewsFebruary 21, 2024
  • Oh No: SmackDown Star Suffers Knee Injury During NXT Taping *Contains Mild SPOILERS*

    Oh no. Injuries are one of the worst things that can happen to a wrestler as you never know when someone is going to get hurt and be put on...

    NewsFebruary 14, 2024
  • Welcome Back? WWE Sets Up Women’s Title Match At Weekend Live Event

    Moving on down? There are all kinds of wrestlers on the WWE payroll, to the point where they have been separated into three different groups. This includes both the two...

    NewsFebruary 11, 2024
  • WATCH: WWE Superstar Elopes Over The Weekend, Enters Ring Still Wearing Wedding Dress

    That’s a special one. While there are all kinds of wrestlers on the WWE roster, many of whom are regularly seen on television, there are only so many things that...

    NewsDecember 31, 2023
  • VIDEO: Several WWE Guest Stars Make Surprise NXT Appearances (And Get Violent)

    NewsOctober 11, 2023
  • WATCH: WWE Superstar Returns With New Look And A New Mission

    It’s a new one. There are all kinds of things that come together to make a wrestler into a star, with some of them being easier to spot than others....

    NewsAugust 4, 2023
  • LOOK: Shotzi Sports Very New Look At WWE Live Event

    That’s a new one. There are all kinds of ways for a wrestler to stand out and one of the easiest is to have a unique look. Being physically different...

    NewsJuly 23, 2023
  • Shotzi Gets Engaged Over The Weekend?

    Happy times are coming? WWE superstar Shotzi has been making headlines recently after she shaved her head as part of a storyline and to support her sister, who is battling...

    NewsJuly 18, 2023