john cena

  • A Trust Issue: How John Cena Earned Backstage Heat For Violating Trust

    It would make people mad. There have been a lot of rivalries over the years in WWE and some of them have gone on for a very long time. Those...

    NewsMarch 9, 2023
  • The Silver Screen: John Cena Set For Villain Role In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Film

    NewsMarch 5, 2023
  • What Could Have Been: Here Are WWE’s Original (And Different) John Cena WrestleMania Plans

    What could have been. We are getting pretty far down the Road To WrestleMania 39 and that means things are starting to come together. You can see a lot of...

    NewsFebruary 28, 2023
  • In The Making: WWE Planned This WrestleMania 39 Match Since Last July

    That’s on tap. We are less than forty days away from WrestleMania 39 and that means the card is really starting to come together. If the matches have not yet...

    NewsFebruary 21, 2023
  • The Champ Is Back: WWE Announces John Cena’s Return To Monday Night Raw

    He’s back. There are very few stars in WWE history who have become the faces of the company. Those are the names that almost every fan can remember and it...

    NewsFebruary 20, 2023
  • He’s Busy: You Probably Won’t Be Seeing John Cena Before WrestleMania 39

    He’s busy. We are officially on the Road To WrestleMania 39 and that means it is time to start getting everything in order. This includes setting up the biggest matches...

    NewsFebruary 1, 2023
  • He’s There: John Cena Reportedly Set For Something At WWE Royal Rumble

    NewsJanuary 27, 2023
  • WATCH: WWE Unveils John Cena As WWE2K23 Cover Star

    It fits. Wrestling and video games go hand in hand. It makes sense to have wrestlers available in a game where fans can pick what they want to do and...

    NewsJanuary 24, 2023
  • Now, Now: Here Is What John Cena May Be Doing At WrestleMania 39

    They have a plan for him. We are almost to the Road To WrestleMania and that means it is time to start setting up the show’s major matches. WrestleMania matches...

    NewsJanuary 18, 2023
  • WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Plans Two Huge WrestleMania 39 Matches

    It’s that time of year again. We are about two and a half months away from WrestleMania 39 and that means WWE should be finalizing the card. That can be...

    NewsJanuary 16, 2023