His call. There are all kinds of accomplishments in wrestling but most of them are going to be lost at some point. Eventually a wrestler is going to lose a...
Worse than it seems? There are all kinds of injuries in wrestling and you never know when you are going to see someone put on the injured list out of...
On the mend? Injuries are one of the trickiest concepts in all of wrestling, as there is little way of knowing how bad things are going to be when someone...
Back out. There are few thins in wrestling more important than a wrestler returning after a lengthy absence. It opens a variety of stories, as you never know where things...
Welcome back. There are certain stars on the WWE roster who can make an impact no matter what they are doing. Even if they have not been around for a...
He has a spot. You will often see wrestlers sitting on the sidelines for one reason or another, some of which are not their own fault. Occasionally there will be...
He’ll be back. With so many wrestlers on the WWE roster and such a limited amount of television time, the company can only do so much to keep everyone around....
Welcome back. There are all kinds of wrestlers on the WWE roster and as a result, not everyone is going to be able to appear every time. Sometimes you are...