The video we have provided below showcases the attack from Sexy Star that caused the injury. As you can see in this highly suggested video, Star attacks the arm of Rosemary with the armbar and doesn’t release the hold when the bell rings until she snaps the arm of Rosemary.
This was a deliberate, disgusting act by a wrestler. Rosemary put her trust in Star and she let her down.

TM XXV: Sexy Star Legitimately Injures Rosemary's Arm
Rosemary took to Twitter to say the following:
“This will be the last I will say on the matter before we go back to our regularly scheduled demonic possession. What happened has happened and it’s been too much time already spent in the mortal realm as it is.”
“My injury is thankfully less severe than anticipated (and certainly much less than has been reported some places). Strained tricep/bicep with swelling around the area. Returning to the ring will come when the doc is happy from my strength and range of motion, but I am optimistic that time lost will be minimal.”
“Can we all take one thing from this entire messy situation: that no matter what is going on in our personal lives, we need to take CARE of each other out there, and I’m not just talking about in the ring. And if you screw up (and we all do), own up to it. Let’s stop making excuses and take accountability for our actions.”
“Thank you so much to everyone who reached out and checked in on me; I haven’t even been able to read them all yet. With such an outpouring of love and positivity from people, I would like to pay that forward and turn a positive light on what came out of this weekend of wrestling: Eddie Edwards made history when he won the GHC Heavyweight title at NOAH, becoming the first gaiijin to do so, and both DJZ and Andrew Everett had INCREDIBLE showings while tagging at ‘TripleMania’ after both recently having surgeries. So let’s try to put some positive energies back into this world of professional wrestling that I love so much and move on from this.”
“All right, Demon. The meat-sac is yours.”
Here is her Twitter post:
In conclusion..
— The Demon Assassin (@WeAreRosemary) August 30, 2017
In other news, we recently reported that indie promotion WrestleCade removed Star’s booking with them. The same promotion has just confirmed Rosemary will be appearing for them later this year, likely to replace Star. Here is their tweet:
This is quickly becoming a big story, as larger media outlets such as The New York Post and Rolling Stone have picked up the story.
Are you a fan of Rosemary? Are you going to WrestleCade later this year? Let us know in the comments below or over on our Facebook page or Twitter account. Additionally, you can find me on Twitter at @SOSNH1995. We also want to remind you that we have a Newsletter you can sign up to. This will allow us to send you the best news in one place via an email. We also have the Wrestling Rumors app that we encourage you all to download to get updates faster than they release on our various pages. It is available on Android and iOS devices