Ellsworth first explained why he never thought he would actually be signed to WWE.
“Up until the day I got signed [by WWE] l never thought it was going to happen. I never thought it was going to happen. Even after the Braun Strowman thing, even after coming in a few times, working with AJ [Styles], because when I was working with AJ, I still wasn’t signed yet. Yeah, they signed me at the Survivor Series 2016. That’s when it became official.”
While he did have fun living his dream, Ellsworth would have liked to do more during his time with the company.
“I’m appreciative of all the opportunities I got. I had a blast. I loved it. I loved every moment of it. The glass is kind of half full because I’m not content. It was great. I got to do a lot of cool stuff while I was there, but am I content with the run? No. I would have liked to have done more. I still would like to do more, but I had fun.”
For a good while, the former WWE Superstar had been using the dressing room specifically for extras, but he explained to Chris Jericho on the podcast who eventually invited him into the Superstars locker room.
“Bray Wyatt’s like, ‘yeah, Ellsworth, stop dressing in that extra talent dressing room. I was wrestling AJ [Styles] for the world title and I was still dressing in the extra talent dressing room! I didn’t want to make anyone mad about walking into the WWE locker room. So Bray Wyatt was the one to say, ‘no, you’re with us now.’ He was the one. And I think when I got released, I texted him, ‘hey man, you’re the one who did this for me and I won’t forget that.'”
Ellsworth explained how he joked with JBL and actually gave him lines to say on commentary during the former WWE Champion’s time as a commentator on ‘Smackdown Live.’
“People would say to me all the time, ‘man, that stuff they say about you on commentary, doesn’t that bother you?’ I’m like, ‘no, I know what I am! Every circus needs a clown’ and I understood it the whole time. I’ve been called every name in the book and I’ve never minded a word of it! They’d say something about me on Twitter and I’d retweet it and get them right back and people would share ‘burned’ and all. Sometimes I would help JBL with his lines. He would jokingly say, ‘Ellsworth, I’m running out of things to call you!’ I’m like, ‘just call me a garden gnome that got run over by a lawnmower! I don’t know!’ I didn’t care!”
Finally, the “Man with a fighting chance” explained how WWE VP of Talent Relations Mark Carrano told him that he was being released from the company, despite having more ideas for his character.
“He’s like, ‘hey, I’ve got some news for you’ and as soon as he said that, my heart dropped and I’m like, ‘is it what I think it is?’ When he says that… And I like Mark. He was great to me while I was there and that [has] got to be a hard job, and it’s just like, ‘they’ve decided to let you go for now.’ And I’m like, ‘huh? Well, why?’ And he’s just like, ‘I think they felt like it ran its course.’ And to me, I’m like, ‘well..’ and I start spitting out ideas. I’m like, ‘well, can’t I go to 205 Live? And like, [Carmella] still has the [Money In The Bank] briefcase!’ Well, that’s my first, initial reaction, like, ‘no, there’s so much more left I can do’ and I still feel that way.”
With H/T to William Windsor of WrestlingInc for the transcription.
You can hear the full podcast below if you’re interested.

Talk Is Jericho - James Ellsworth Comes Full Circle
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