Maria had the following to say:
“The Power of Love is Strong…..And BABY makes 3. Mike and I are happy to announce I am 13 weeks pregnant!! Life is what happens when you are making other plans. This is the universe’s plan for us. Last year Mike and I tried to expand our family when we had a lighter schedule and this year we thought we had put those plans on hold but apparently that is not what is meant to be and we are so happy for our new path. Mike has wanted children for a long time (he is gonna be a very good daddy) and my biological clock just recently started ticking!! Timing is everything and now is our perfect time for family.
As far as the future… WWE is and has been my dream job and I plan on coming back with my doctor’s approval after the baby is born and get’s plenty of mommy time. But, until then, I will be posting my REAL updates on my social media accounts. There is so much pressure to have the perfect pregnancy, gain the right amount of weight, and be super stylish. But, let me just say I’ve gained 7 pounds, been nauseous everyday, and wore yoga pants every day since 6 weeks. I’m not perfect. Haha… life is messy. My husband is a recovering prescription drug addict, we are in the middle of buying a house, we are moving across county, and I’m pregnant!!! I figure I can either stress or feel blessed. I feel blessed. I choose happiness. WE choose happiness. Thank you to our families, friends, WWE, and the fans for all of the support! Let’s continue building the #PowerofLove with my husband on Smackdown Live. Because the Power of Love is Real. I have the picture to prove it….. #MiraclesHappen #LifeHappens#thentherewerethree #alieninvasion @therealmichaelbennett @wwe
Maria and Mike and BABY ?+?=?”
Here is the post itself:
Speaking to, Maria revealed she found out she was pregnant whilst she and husband Mike were heading to a ‘Smackdown Live‘ event. She had the following to say:
I was feeling really funny. Once we got off the plane, I just knew that something was up. We took a test that night and found out that I was pregnant, but we didn’t know how far along I was. So, we wanted to wait to tell everybody, but let me just say, it was the most difficult day — having that information and going through a whole day with the entire SmackDown LIVE locker room and not being able to say anything about it.”
Maria also revealed her due date is April 2, which coincides with ‘WrestleMania’ season.
“I’m sure it’s going to happen right on WrestleMania. I’ve already talked to Mike and told him that if he has match, he has to go and be [there], but I’ll definitely be Facetiming him with the baby afterward! There is definitely something to it being our first year in WWE and our first baby, so it’s a very exciting time!”
Wrestling Rumors would like to extend our congratulations to the couple on the wonderful news. We hope that the pregnancy process is as easy as possible.
We highly suggest taking a look at this video of the couple on ‘Smackdown Live’ recentl where they explain how they hope to inspire WWE.

Mike & Maria Kanellis hope to inspire with the power of love: SmackDown LIVE Fallout, June 20, 2017
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