Welcome? There have been all kinds of wrestlers throughout WWE’s history and several of them are fondly remembered long after their time with the company ends. Those wrestlers will occasionally...
Try it again? Retirement is a difficult concept in wrestling, as a wrestler can often come back to the ring one more time years after their most recent match. You...
She’s almost there. Injuries can be devastating to wrestlers as they leave stars on the shelf and promotions trying to come up with a new idea. That can make for...
Back at it. Wrestlers have a weird career as you can see them come back to the ring after long stretches away. You never know when you are going to...
It’s wrapped up. Wrestlers are larger than life characters who get in the ring and do things that run of the mill people would never do. It makes for some...
Welcome back. There are multiple ways to bring a wrestler back to television after a long absence. Occasionally you will see such a return advertised in advance but in other...
That’s not good. Injuries are one of the worst things that can happen to a wrestler as you never know how bad things can be. You can see someone get...
Welcome back. There are all kinds of wrestlers on the WWE roster, to the point where it can be difficult to keep track of all of them. Occasionally some of...