That’s an honor. WWE wrestlers are in a weird place when it comes to celebrity status. While they are known by the public, it is almost universally for just one...
By owner? WWE has undergone a variety of changes this year with many of them seeing new directions after decades of doing the same. This includes both the wrestlers and...
It worked. Commentary is one of the most important aspects of any wrestling show as the broadcasters are tasked with guiding the fans in the direction the company wants them...
Yes him too. As of earlier this year, the WWE has new owners for the first time in decades. To say this has been a game changer would be an...
And out? With so many talented wrestlers on the WWE roster, there are only so many places for all of them. It can be a huge moment when someone leaves...
They had a reason for that. Wrestling is a rather unique sport in that everything is indeed pre-determined, but there is an aspect to it that keeps it similar to...
Welcome to KB’s Old School (and New School) Reviews. I’ve been reviewing wrestling shows for over twelve years now and have reviewed over 6,000 shows. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,...
That’s cold McIntyre. There are all kinds of ways to present a feud in wrestling but the ones with a personal touch are often the most engaging. Having something that...