Ever since “Money in the Bank,” The Club has been practicing their favorite pastime of “beating up John Cena.” The three on one attacks have been building the feud for...
In stunning news, Jon Jones tested positive for a substance that has immediately canceled his fight with Daniel Cormier at UFC 200 on Saturday. In response, Brock Lesnar’s fight with Mark...
Chris Jericho has had a great run with WWE since his return in January. It’s not only lasted a lot longer than the WWE Universe thought it would. The latest...
Next week, all the hype and buildup will finally stop, and we’ll be able to see WWE’s “Cruiserweight Classic” on the WWE Network. One of the most interesting elements of...
Before Wrestlemania 32, there was a lot of speculation about Mark Herny’s status with WWE and if it would be his last Wrestlemania. Although there still isn’t an update on...
There is a lot of debate about the prestige of WWE’s midcard titles. That debate has been present in WWE for quite some time because many believe there is little...
Last week, Bret “Hitman” Hart spoke about WWE’s treatment of Curtis Axel and that his talent is being wasted without much cause. This weeks, the WWE Hall of Famer has...
It was revealed on Monday Night Raw that Brock Lesnar’s opponent for “Summerslam” has been chosen, and he would be revealed on this week’s edition of SmackDown. You can image...