It’s amazing that Chris Jericho could get a clipboard and “a list” over. It’s a testament to him and his dynamic with the WWE Universe that as a heel, he could get “The List of Jericho” to become one of the most entertaining and fun things on Raw every week.
In wrestling, something that is this much fun needs to be so silly and ridiculous that it somehow manages to grab the audience. Eventually, Jericho is going to feud with Kevin Owens as a face and it’ll be due to the success of “The List of Jericho.”
How does someone even think of something like that? Apparently, Y2J had some help with it from Jimmy Jacobs, who is infamous with Ring of Honor, but secretly works for WWE right now.
During an interview with The LAW podcast, Y2J revealed the origins of “The List” and how it came to be. You can listen to the full interview right here or read about it below:
“So what happened was the gift of Jericho and I wish I could take credit for saying I came up with it but Jimmy Jacobs, no stranger to anybody who is a fan of Ring of Honor or any of those big independent companies. He said I’ve got this idea of the List of Jericho and you put a couple names on it. Oh yeah, that’s a great idea and we did it.”

Do you think Chris Jericho should turn face soon?