I guess they weren’t fans. For the better part of twenty years, WWE had very little, if any, serious competition at the top of the wrestling world. The company completely dominated the industry and there was nothing that came close to them. That is still mainly the case, but there is now another company doing fairly well, as AEW has grown by leaps and bounds in their brief existence. Last week AEW presented a match and WWE was not too thrilled with it.
Last week, AEW presented its first ever Blood & Guts match, serving as their version of WarGames. The match featured ten wrestlers, many of whom were bleeding by the end. According to PWInsider, WWE management felt that the match “set the business back 30 years”. However, WWE wrestlers felt that the match was great and would love to do something similar. It is not clear what part of the match angered WWE officials.
The match was certainly intense. Check out what happened and see if you can find the part WWE did not like:

What Happened When the Inner Circle & The Pinnacle All Entered the Cage? | AEW Blood & Guts, 5/5/21

The Shocking Conclusion to Blood & Guts | AEW Blood & Guts, 5/5/21
Opinion: Thirty years? As in back to the fallout from WrestleMania 7? I’m really not sure I can buy that, as WWE has had its share of violent, bloody matches over the years, along with having some rather questionable things of their own. Is this worse than Katie Vick? Some of the McMahon storylines? The Ministry of Darkness or the Higher Power? That seems to be a little extreme.
At the same time, I can understand why the WWE roster would be thrilled with the match as it was the kind of match that you do not see in that company. It was violent, emotional and above all else, bloody, which does not happen in WWE for obvious reasons. I can’t imagine WWE running such a match and that is fine enough for them. At the same time though, I can’t say I blame the roster for wanting to do something like that either.
What did you think of the match? Could WWE pull off something similar? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.
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