WWE has released a video looking at seven people who have lifted Big Show. These range from both modern WWE to the WWF to back in WCW with a wide variety of people. Some of these are your expected power guys and some of them are quite the surprising group of people to lift someone Big Show’s size. Here’s the video:

7 Superstars who lifted Big Show: WWE List This!
Opinion: Uh, Cesaro? Anyone for Cesaro? As in the guy who slammed Big Show over the top to win the first Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal back at “Wrestlemania XXX”? You think that might warrant a mention? Apparently WWE doesn’t, which isn’t surprising given how little interest they seem to have in pushing Cesaro as a singles act.
What is the most impressive power display you’ve ever seen in wrestling? Do you want to see Big Show back in the ring? Let us know in the comments below.