Main Event
Date: May 16, 2019
Location: 02 Arena, London, England
Commentators: Renee Young, Vic Joseph
It’s the final show from the two day mini marathon in London and that means a lot of highlights from the week. Thankfully that’s a little better than what we usually get this week, despite the issues with counting in the Wild Card Rule. Hopefully it’s just not that bad this week so let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Titus O’Neil vs. EC3
Titus shoves him down without much effort and the overhand chops just cause pain. EC3 gets an elbow up in the corner though and it’s time to choke on the ropes, which somehow works by pulling Titus’ throat away from the ropes. The chinlock goes on, followed by a middle rope dropkick to give EC3 two. There’s the EC3 Elbow but Titus isn’t about to be suplexed. The running splash in the corner sets up the Clash of the Titus to finish EC3 at 5:35.
Result: Titus O’Neil b. EC3 – Clash of the Titus (5:35)
We get the long video from Raw, comparing Seth Rollins and AJ Styles’ paths to the main event.
From Raw.
And now for the show’s centerpiece: a double contract signing! Lacey Evans, Charlotte and Becky Lynch all come out for the signings with the fans being behind the champ. Becky talks about how great it is to be back in London before promising that Lacey will crumble under the pressure of the Man being on her neck.
Charlotte talks about Becky’s big mouth getting her in trouble again and how it’s always been her issues. Lacey complains about Becky not wearing the proper clothing to such a formal occasions. This isn’t a fight in a barn. Who wears a camisole and leather pants to a barn fight? Becky laughs it off and signs, leaving Charlotte to talk over the BECKY TWO BELTS chants. She finds this hilarious and Becky’s confidence can’t hide her jealousy. On Sunday, Becky will bow down to the Queen.
Charlotte signs and Lacey says the WWE needs a lady to show them the way. Lacey says Becky can “continue to pretend to swing around something that she doesn’t have” and it’s not going to be enough to take out two real ladies. Becky offers her a free shot as Becky signs. The table is shoved aside and the fight is on with Lacey getting caught in the Disarm-Her. Charlotte breaks it up with a big boot and a double powerbomb puts Becky through the table. Both titles are held up at once.
The champ is down:

The cheering warms his soul, but there is still a lot of darkness in his noggin. This time though, he has learned how to control it. Bray gets a lot more sinister and asks if we want to see his secret. He turns to the door and we cut to some rather creepy images of what looks like a bunch of toys, and Bray morphs into something like an evil clown with his hair down. Bray, in a dark voice: “Yeowy wowwy.”
Now that’s creepy:
Revival vs. Lucha House Party

Gran Metalik is the odd Lucha out here. Kalisto rolls away from Wilder to start and kicks him in the head before snapping off a headscissors to Dawson. Dorado adds the splash for two and a standing Lionsault drops Dawson and Dash, sending them outside. Back from a break with Wilder suplexing the heck out of Kalisto to take over as the announcers talk about the Usos being rather rude as of late.
Wilder slaps on a Gory Stretch but Kalisto slips out without much trouble and it’s back to Dorado for a double high crossbody. A triple moonsault gets two on Dawson with Wilder making the save and dragging Dawson back to the corner. Everything breaks down and Kalisto’s suicide dive doesn’t work so Dorado hits a big dive onto Revival. Back in and the Shatter Machine takes care of Dorado at 10:40.
Result: Revival b. Lucha House Party – Shatter Machine to Dorado (10:40)
Money in the Bank rundown.
We see the end of Sami Zayn vs. Braun Strowman from Raw, with Sami winning Braun’s Money in the Bank spot.
Slaying the monster:

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