205 Live
Date: November 28, 2017
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph
The show is in a weird place for the next few weeks at the moment as they’re setting up a new #1 contender but it’s going to take a little while to get there. We have one member of the #1 contenders match but since the matches are taking place on Raw, there’s only so much need for this show to even exist right now. Let’s get to it.
The opening recap looks at last night’s fatal four way with Rich Swann qualifying for the #1 contenders match in two weeks.
Opening sequence.
The announcers thank us for watching 205 Live for one year now.
Rich Swann vs. Noam Dar
Before the match, Swann says he hasn’t been Cruiserweight Champion in about a year (closer to ten months actually) but he’s getting closer every day. Dar hits the floor at the bell (must be a Kevin Owens fan) before heading back in to crank on a wristlock. That’s reversed into another wristlock, sending Dar back outside.
Swann isn’t waiting this time and takes Dar out with a flip dive from the apron, much to Enzo’s chagrin. Swann’s Rolling Thunder gets two but an Enzo distraction lets Dar get in a kick to the knee. A clothesline to the back of the head gives Dar two but he keeps holding his knee. Enzo: “What are you, Big Cass? GET THE JOB DONE!” Back up and Swann kicks him in the head, setting up the Phoenix splash for the pin at 4:42.
Result: Rich Swann b. Noam Dar – Phoenix splash (4:42)

Rich Swann vs. Noam Dar: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 28, 2017
Enzo threatens to fire Dar if he keeps screwing up.
Kalisto is ready to start his comeback against Jack Gallagher.
Kalisto vs. Jack Gallagher
Brian Kendrick is in Gallagher’s corner. Gallagher works on the arm to start but is quickly taken down into a wristlock. They fight over the same hold until Kalisto realizes that’s not the best idea against Gallagher. Instead he fires off the kicks, only to have a Kendrick distraction let Jack take over again.
There’s a knee to the gut to cut Kalisto off again and Gallagher stays on the ribs like an evil Englishman should. We hit the cross arm choke with Gallagher bending him back onto the knees. That goes nowhere so Kalisto hits his rolling kick to the head, followed by the springboard seated senton. A quick Salida Del Sol drops Gallagher but Kendrick comes in for the DQ at 6:23.
Result: Kalisto b. Jack Gallagher via DQ when Brian Kendrick interfered (6:23)

Kalisto vs. Gentleman Jack Gallagher: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 28, 2017
Hideo Itami is coming.
Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali are watching the Itami video in the back and say they’re worried about those strikes. It turns into a discussion of who will be facing Swann but everything is cool.
Mustafa Ali/Cedric Alexander vs. Drew Gulak/Tony Nese
These four will be in the other four way on Monday. Before the match, Gulak praises Nese’s physique and says Enzo has dubbed them Team Power Point. See, Nese has power and Gulak always gets straight to the point. Drew thinks the Zo Train is like the Justice League with Enzo acting as their Superman. As a bonus though, Drew has a POWERPOINT PRESENTATION!
Drew gets annoyed at the POWERPOINT chants, allowing Cedric to get the better of a wristlock. It’s off to Nese vs. Ali for some more wristlockery, which has been really common tonight. Nese gets armdragged into an armbar but Cedric goes over to yell at Gulak, meaning he’s not there for a tag. The tag works a few seconds later but Cedric walks into a very loud chop.
Throw in a running elbow to the jaw and Alexander is in some quick trouble. Back in and Nese hits the ab crunch kicks to the ribs. Gulak grabs something like half an STF before switching to a regular chinlock. Cedric makes the expected escape and the hot tag brings in Ali for the comeback. The rolling X Factor gets two and a Doomsday Device with a high crossbody instead of a clothesline is good for the same. Face miscommunication sends Cedric outside though and Nese gets a rollup for the pin at 9:31.
Result: Tony Nese/Drew Gulak b. Mustafa Ali/Cedric Alexander – Rollup to Ali (9:31)

Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali vs. Drew Gulak & Tony Nese: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 28, 2017
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