Breeze started responding to a fan who commented on a YouTube video by WhatCulture about why they believe WWE will ruin The Velveteen Dream when he comes to the main roster. The fan said Dream would be just another Breeze. Here is what ‘Prince Pretty’ had to say:
Another Tyler Breeze? I wonder if people realize… I was never “ruined” on smackdown live… and am currently buying my 3rd house… being another Tyler breeze sounds pretty solid ?
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
A fan would respond to that message saying he has heard the same comment over and over again about the amount of money they make. Breeze responded:
You’re tellin me if u got Tyler Breeze vs AJ Styles u wouldn’t be glued to your screen? Because that’d be nothin but quality from both of us. As fun as it is to risk our health every day for pessimists like u.a lil?to survive and stay healthy for u goes a long way. Anythin else?
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
Breeze had this to say on if he would trade all three houses in for an undefeated streak:
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
A fan asked him what his chances were about being drafted to ‘Raw’ to compete on 205 Live, also saying they loved his work in NXT:
I’m 29. Nothing but time
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
The same fan that criticized him on the money continued, now speaking about the ratings declining. As you could expect, Breeze was quick to fire back:
sorry I forgot you’re the expert? C ya at wrestlemania when there’s thousands of ppl there to enjoy themselves and u can sit by yourself judging each match and character and how much better things used to be btw I’ll still sign your shirt for u when u stand in line for axxess ?
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
A fan tweeted in support of the ‘Smackdown Live’ star, joking that Breeze should feel bad about making money and being featured on TV nearly every week, leading to him joking back:
Haha man I wish I was broke. Jk ?
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
More fans continued supporting him. Here are a few of his responses to them:
Thanks man
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
Dude it’s the worstttttttt ?
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
It’s more fun to bring them back to reality ?
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
Breeze responded to a fan saying they love the Fashion Files segments, but would love to see Breezango capture the Smackdown Tag Team Championship:
It’s on the to do list
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
Another fan explained that ratings are the worst they’ve been in a long time, WWE are struggling to fill arenas and the product is the worst it has been in a long time, especially ‘Smackdown Live.’ Of course you’d expect Breeze to respond:
Haha uh oh another expert??? Worst in years….. according to??? All subject to opinion…. possibly one of the most talented rosters ever…. but I get it let’s bring back the past because they were soooooo much better… gotta move forward pal
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
Another fan comments that they have been a fan for nearly thirty years and agrees with the comments made by the previous man. Here is the response:
wrestling fan since I was 6. superstars mean more at certain points in your life. When you’re older, jaded, wanna be bitter and pick it apart sure to u, there may not be another Austin but some kid right now who’s been watching for 2 years. Someone on our roster could be his.
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
So you may not be as excited when you’re 35 as you were at 5. But damn man enjoy yourself or go watch something else. Don’t run down the roster of talent that sacrifices to entertain you. Btw working through xmas and New Years this year. Have some respect.
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
Breeze responds to a fan saying he would rather see Breeze main eventing solo and not stuck in a pointless tag team:
So Let’s say I’m main eventing the 2 hr show. Who’s being “wasted” then? Shin? Dillinger? Aj? Roode? Because not everyone can be used every week… unless you’re featured in something like fashion files which has been featured now for 6 months + Very proud of that
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
He responds to a fan asking why he is bothering responding to the negative comments:
Just having a lil morning fun with my ??
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
The same fan that first mentioned WWE having bad ratings and having trouble filling arenas continued to comment, this time saying Breeze has talent but creative sucks and it makes WWE hard to watch as a fan:
Katie Vick and giving birth to hands….. creative ? got ya ?
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
He responds to another fan that continues to comment and make jokes out of what Breeze is saying:
There’s been matches this year that have had me wrapped up in it watching backstage and had people in full arenas standing on their feet. If to u that’s “shitty” than there is no pleasing you so respectfully You choose to be unhappy and I’m sorry to hear that
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
A fan standing up for Breeze explains that it is easy for people on the internet to bring up money, as if regular folk don’t care about their paychecks:
My pups don’t feed themselves ? ? ? ?
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
The fan that mentioned that they’d prefer Breeze main eventing solo thanked him for responding and said he likes what he does but wants to see him do more:
Yes I can and eventually will. Right now I’m having a blast with dango and wouldn’t want to change that
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
Finally, one of the two major fans that had kept the conversation going said that even if WWE had all the talent in the world, bad creative will lead to the shows sucking:
New day vs usos has been some of the best “creative” in the last few years. Far far far from sucking
— Breeze (@MmmGorgeous) December 2, 2017
As this entire conversation started with people likening Dream to Breeze, take a look at Dream in action on NXT television in the video we have provided below and give us your opinions on our social media.

Lio Rush vs. The Velveteen Dream: WWE NXT, Oct. 11, 2017
What are your personal thoughts on Breeze? Do you agree with his points?
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