Below are some questions along with Candice’s answers:
You were more famous than the other rookies?
Michelle: It was brutal. I remember I was in the locker room with Lita, who is very intimidating. I went to put my makeup on; I thought I took the worst spot in the locker room. I thought I was being respectful. I sat on the floor by a mirror. And she got up in my face, and she was like, “What? Do you think you can walk in here and take the best spot in the locker room?” And I was like, “I’m sitting on the floor!”
I was considered the Hollywood girl. These wrestling girls, they paved the way of going to these Indie shows and training camps and putting their bodies through this for so long. And I just come from Hollywood and show up. So I get their side of it. I had to earn the wrestling respect side of it.

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How did wrestling end for you?
We were coming back from a two-week European tour, and it was our last match in Nebraska before we got a break. It was a big match with me and Beth Phoenix, and I went up to the top rope for a spot where she was gonna hit the rope and I was gonna eat it. But my boot caught, and I nose dived. So I was knocked out, on live TV. The next thing I remember is waking up in the ambulance, and they said, “Your husband’s being flown in.”
When you’re in a neck brace, and you’re in an ambulance, and they’re flying your husband in, it’s pretty scary. Thankfully I just had a broken collar bone and a concussion. But the hardest part is it shelved me. I worked so hard to get that spot, and that recognition from my coworkers, and from the fans. And now I’m shelved for six months.
I think most wrestlers have a very relentless mentality. Somehow I had to convince (producer) Johnny Laurinaitis and the doctors there that my collarbone was not broken anymore, even though the X-rays show it was still. Somehow I weaseled my way into a match, and the first drop kick, I shattered it. But, I finished the match.
What did you do after wrestling?
We kind of enjoyed life for a while. When you wrestle, you’re on the road. So we took a couple trips and got pregnant with my first daughter. Now we have three. You know, I’m grateful for the injury and when it happened and everything because I could have never said, “I’m done.”
They also discuss returning her final match, the emotions of returning to the ring and more.
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